
An early morning accidental station. Well, not so much accidental but the collection of Echo, Sparky, Hedgie, and I were making the journey to Penzance to go to the station nearest Land’s End when we got slightly sidetracked by a sign pointing to a station and decided to pop in. As you do. The station was serving the town of Hayle, and while it was a bit of a faff to find a spot of car parking that you didn’t have to pay for, we found it and enjoyed a short walk in the morning sun to the platforms. The station was quite small, but it did feature a camping coach for holiday makers. There was an added bonus when a short formed HST rolled in on the way to Penzance. Once it had gone, we got the photo and then headed back to the car. There was only 1 station scheduled to be pupped today, but it was a milestone one.

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