Everything Is Broken

TigerTails Radio and TigerTails Gaming are both currently down. As of yet we do not know what is causing this issue, though it looks like WordPress might have failed somewhere. It still works for this site though, which is annoying. This comes on top of the studio having intermittent Internet connection problems due to a fault on the line. This has implications for the live streaming and YouTube broadcasts of TigerTails Radio.

The show will go on. However, should the Internet connection give out again the YouTube feed will be unable to continue and you will have to tune in via the radio stream in order to continue enjoying the show when the Internet comes back on. Point your streaming media player of choice at the following URL to listen in:

http://radio.tigertailsradio.co.uk:31135/listen.pls – The YouTube feed can be found at http://www.youtube.com/tigertailsradio if its running. Just look for the “Live Now” link.

There will be archives made and uploaded as normal, and the YouTube feed will be uploaded to YouTube manually should the stream fail. The archives will not be affected by the problems, unless we’re not online long enough to upload them.

The sites have been backed up, and so if a reinstall is needed the sites can be replaced.

Our web hosts are looking into the website fault, and BT are looking into the phone line fault.

These are not the kind of problems needed when trying to do National Novel Writing Month…

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