With everything working for once (apart from Done and Dusted, which is planned for early 2015), we are happy to see out 2014 on a high. It’s been a good year for the network, with TigerTails Radio gaining in traction on YouTube and suggestions from the listeners being taken into account for Season 9 of the show. After massive technical failures on Episode 41 of Season 8, we also figured out how to get rid of the whine on the YouTube feed (finally).
TigerTails Gaming is also going well, with Xavier holding the fort there while TK is kept busy ignoring TigerTails TV. There is a growing interest for doing more live streaming on Twitch, so we’ll see what we can do on that front.
There’s a lot of potential waiting for us in 2015. Let’s see what we can do with it.
happy New Year everyone.
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