While the PupAllTheStations project aims to capture as many stations as it can, there are some railway stations that are no longer with us. These stations were either closed due to lack of use, the line they were on closing, or they were simply replaced by other stations. While not officially part of Pup All The Stations (due to most of them having being knocked down and replaced by car parks, homes, industrial estates, etc) when we find a disused station we can get access to and still has enough evidence of having been a station, it is a nice bonus to be able to document them. So on this part of the site, all the UK disused stations visited shall be listed. For additional information about any station on this page (and to see archive photos), you can visit the database of Disused Railway Stations website.
There are also a small amount of “Non Stations”. These are places that don’t exist yet still have signs. These will certainly not count towards the final tally but have signs so are able to be pupped. They can be located in museums, training buildings (which I expect we’ll never get access to), and various other places. They will also be added here as a curiosity piece.