The map! A visual representation that either pups visit too many railway stations, or that pups need to visit more. Either way, you can move around by clicking and dragging the map. Zooming is taken care of by holding CTRL while scrolling the mouse wheel. The visited stations will appear as markers on the map. Click on one to view the photo and a little detail about the station. You can also click on the picture be taken to the blog post about the photo. If the location is one visited by another pup which Condor hasn’t visited yet, clicking on the image will take you to their social media post, or other location of their request. Please note that Pup All The Stations has no control of external content and can not guarantee its suitability for a general audience.
Additional Note: The site has now had some international stations sent in. While this site will focus on the Great British stations, please do zoom the map out and have a look at the stations pups around the world have been capturing. Also, after the great Twitter Exodus of 2024, a number of Twitter accounts have gone private or have been outright deleted, and so some of the links to folks’ Twitter posts may be dead. Should the photos be re-uploaded to Bluesky or Mastodon (and someone lets Condor know about it) the links will be updated.
More Additional Note: Stations with * in the title have been pupped by multiple pups. Scroll down in the map location to see the additional photos, or check the blog page if Condor has pupped the station himself.