
When visiting Shades one sunny April day, he suggested popping out to grab a station or two, and as I was still lacking some stations between West Byfleet and London, it was decided to take a trip to Surbiton and grab it. It was still early enough in the afternoon to get some sun, so Shades and myself jumped on a train and took the reasonably swift jaunt over to Surbiton station. It was not as big as I imagined it would be. For some reason I thought it was more important that it actually is, but the exterior is very nice and well worth looking at for all it’s Modernist stylings. Some time was then spend meandering around Surbiton itself, seeing what was on offer and stumbling on some pretty cool murals on the high street, before deciding it was time to head back to the station to catch a train home. However, the day’s pupping adventure was not over yet…

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